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Emacs Notes

Emacs Manual

48 Emacs Lisp Packages

Emacs package system allows you to downloads, install, uninstall and upgrade packages that add additional features.

  1. M-x list-packages brings a buffer named *Packages* with a list of all packages.
  2. The command C-h P (describe-package) prompts for the name of the package, and displays a help buffer describing the attributes of the package and the features that it implements.

The Package menu buffer

This buffer lists all the packages that Emacs know about, one on each line, with the following information:

  1. The package name.
  2. The package's version number.
  3. The package's status: available (can be downloaded from the package archive), installed, built-in (included in Emacs by default), or new (equivalent to available, but this package becomes newly available on the package archive after your last invocation of M-x list-packages), held (held in package-load-list), disabled, obsolete.
  4. A short description of the package.

The list-package command access the network, to retrieve the list of all available packages from the package archive server. If the network is unavailable, it falls back on the most recent retrieved list.

Possible commands:

  1. h (package-menu-quick-help) Print a short message summarizing how to use the package menu buffer.
  2. ? or <RET> (package-menu-describe-package, display a help buffer for the package in the current line. Similar to C-h P.
  3. i (package-menu-mark-install). Mark the package on the current line for installation, which will add an I character to the start of the line if the package status is available.
  4. d (package-menu-mark-delete). Mark the package on the current line for deletion, which will add a D character to the start of the line if the package status is installed.
  5. u (package-menu-mark-unmark). Clear any mark on the current line and move to next line.
  6. U (package-menu-mark-upgrades). Place I flag for the newr version and D flag for the old installed version.
  7. x (package-menu-execute). Download and install all the packages marked with I and their dependencies, delete all teh packages marked with D. This also removes the marks.
  8. r (package-menu-refresh). Refresh the package list by fetching the list of available packages from package archive again.
  9. f (package-menu-filter). Prompts a keyword, then shows only the packages that relate to that keyword. To retore the full package list, type q.

Package Installation

  1. A package's requirements list is shown in its help bufer.
  2. package-archives variable is a list of packages archives with each element of the form (id . location), where id is the name of a package archive and location is the HTTP address or directory naem of the package archive.
  3. package-pinned-archive variable to ensure that specified package is only ever downloaded from the specified archive.
  4. Emacs will automatically load installed packages at startup, after processing the init file. As an exception, emacs don't do this if invoked with -q or --no-init-file. To disable automatic package loading, use package-enable-at-startup variable.
  5. The reason why automatic package loading occurs after loading the init file is that user options only receive theri customized values after loading the init file, including user options affecting the package system. If you want to load packages expicitly in your init file (usually because some other code in your init file depends on a package), you can call package-initialize function, but change package-enable-at-startup to nil to avoid loading the packages again after processing the init file.
  6. Use package-load-list to control which package to load.

Package files and Directory Layout

  1. Each package is either a single Elisp source file or a tar file containing mulple Emacs lisp source and other files.
  2. Use package-install-file to install a package from a file directly.
  3. Contents of a packages are install in subdirectory of package-user-dir, which defaults to ~/.emacs.d/elpa/. The subdirectory is named name-version, where name is the package name and version is its version string.
  4. package-directory-list variable defines system-wide packages Emacs look for. They have the same subdirectory layout.
  5. Deleting a package will delete the corresponding package subdirectory as well, but will only apply for package installed in package-user-dir.




the full name of the user logged in.


Full mailing address of the user.


Name of the machine, for purposes of naming users. If non-nil, Emacs use this instead of system-name when constructing email address


package archive alist, with each element the form (ID . LOCATIN) where ID is the archive name, as a string, and LOCATION is the location for archive. If LOCATION starts with http:, it's a HTTP URL, otherwise it should be an absolute directory name. Other types of URL are not supported yet.


(getenv VARIABLE &optional FRAME)

Get the value of environment variable VARIABLE, which is a string. Return nil if VARIABLE is undefined in the environmen. Otherwise, return a string.

(user-logini-name &optional UID)

Returnthe name under which the user logged in, as a string.


Return the host name of the machine you are running on, as a string.

(add-to-list LIST-VAR ELEMENT &optional APPEND COMPARE-FN)

Add ELEMENT to the value of LIST-VAR if it isn't there yet. The element is default added at the beginning of thel ist, unless APPEND is non-nil.

Return the new value of LIST-VAR.

(assoc-default KEY ALIST &optional TEST DEFAULT)

Find object KEY in a pseudo-alist ALIST. ALIST is a llist of objects. Each element is compared with KEY by callling TEST.

Return the element's cdr if matches. Otherwiser, return nil.

(package-installed-p PACKAGE &optional MIN-VERSION)

Return ture if PACKAGE, of MIN-VERSION or newer, is installed. MIN-VERSION should be a version list.

(package-install PKG)

Install the package PKG, which can be a package-desc or package name of one the vavailable packages in package-archies. Inactively, prompt for its name.

(buffer-file-name &optional BUFFER)

Return name of ile BUFFER is visiting, or nil if none. No argument or nil as argument means use the current buffer.

(kill-new STRING &optional REPLACE)

Make STRING the latest kill in the kill ring.



  • Description

    This package provides two minor modes which automatically recompile Emacs Lisp source files, to guarantee that Emacs never load outdated byte code files.

    1. auto-compile-on-save-mode re-compiles source files when they are being saved.
    2. auto-compile-on-load-mode re-compiles source files when they are being loaded (by advising load and require)

    These two modes only recomple the source file when the respective byte code file already exist but is outdated.

    Starting with Emacs 24.4, setting load-prefer-newer to t to prevent outdated byte code files being loaded. However, this doesn't re-compile the source file.


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